How to Find Your Purpose | Jeff Lerner Lessons

“Money Can’t Buy Happiness.”

This adage is as old as time itself, but if you ask me, it still holds true! A pre-pandemic study reported that only 14% of American citizens say that they’re very happy in life. Just 14%! That leaves 86% of Americans less than very happy with their lives. That’s a LOT of unhappy people. Interestingly, that same study reported that 11% of Americans have a net worth of over $1m. This makes America the most prosperous country the world has ever seen.

So why aren’t we happier?

If you ask me, the answer is pretty obvious. We don’t lack money. We lack purpose. We spend so many hours working but so little time doing anything of purpose. It’s the purpose that gives us meaning, and that meaning gives us happiness.

So how do we fix this problem?

Earning a living is essential, but so is having a purpose. Therefore, we need to create purpose-driven, for-profit endeavors that fulfill both of those needs. You need to wake up and be excited about what you’re doing every day, but it also needs to be profitable. The best way to achieve this is by starting your own business!
My purpose is to help you do exactly that.
I love what I do every day, and in this video, I’m going to show you how you can feel the same way! Click the image below to watch the video!


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