10 Ways to Harness Positive Thinking As A Business Owner

“Be positive. Your mind is more powerful than you think. What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. Fill yourself with positive things.” – Tony Dungy. Positive thinking can be a great asset as a business owner because it can help you make the best of any situation, good or bad.

As a business owner, I’ve experienced the power of positive thinking many times and continue to use it in my daily life. I truly believe that everyone has the power to change their circumstances by choosing to remain positive rather than negative. So, I’ve compiled a few ways to help you harness positive thinking as a business owner and make the most out of every situation.

“Be positive. Your mind is more powerful than you think. What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. Fill yourself with positive things.” – Tony Dungy

How to Harness Positive Thinking As A Business Owner

#1 Avoid What Ifs

Many entrepreneurs get caught up in “what if” scenarios, which can cause them to avoid taking action. However, not taking action because you’re afraid of what could go wrong might prevent you from pursuing your dreams.

So, instead of thinking about “what if?” scenarios, you could try to focus on positive scenarios. Constantly thinking about what could go wrong may lead you to procrastinate and avoid taking action. So, training your mind to think of positive scenarios may motivate you to take action.

Training your mind to think of positive scenarios may motivate you to take action. Click To Tweet

#2 Swap Out Negative Thoughts for Positive Ones

Why Sales is the Single Most Important Skill for Succeeding as an Entrepreneur

A good practice I’ve implemented throughout my journey is swapping negative thoughts for positive ones. A great way to practice this process is by taking a mental note or writing down every negative thought you have throughout the day. Then, try to think or write the opposite of that negative thought. Over time, you’ll start to build the habit of disregarding negative thoughts and making room for more positive thinking.

#3 Celebrate Wins

Oftentimes, entrepreneurs can get caught up in their failures or losses and forget to celebrate their wins. However, a win is still a win, no matter how small.

A great way to implement this practice is by visually tracking your progress and documenting your wins. Eventually, you’ll have a whole list of wins that you can look back on, which can motivate you to keep going.

A win is still a win, no matter how small.

#4 Embrace Failure

Becoming more positive isn’t about pretending that negativity and negative situations don’t exist. It’s about learning to embrace failure and recognizing that failure is typically part of the process. In addition, embracing failure can help you to look for the lessons and positives in your failures.

Embracing failure can help you to look for the lessons and positives in your failures. Click To Tweet

#5 Practice Practical Optimism

Practical optimism is choosing to remain positive in any situation in the hopes that something good may come of it. For example, when I was in college, I produced and acted in a musical. Unfortunately, the people who were supposed to advertise the musical didn’t, so only a few people showed up.

Rather than be negative and upset that few people showed up, I remained positive and gave my best performance. Little did I know that a very successful entrepreneur was sitting in the theater and would eventually help me fund my first business.

Because I chose to stay optimistic in an otherwise negative situation, I opened the door for an opportunity I wouldn’t have had had I been negative.

Practical optimism is choosing to remain positive in any situation in the hopes that something good may come of it.

#6 Create a Plan

Creating a vision or plan for your business can help boost your positivity because you believe that vision can happen. Great businesses are rarely born out of a negative mindset. They’re born from someone’s desire to change something and do whatever it takes to see their vision come to life.

One way you could create a plan for your business is by creating a vision or mood board with your ideal business. So, whenever you look at it, you’re reminded of your goals.

Great businesses are rarely born out of a negative mindset. Click To Tweet

#7 Don’t Blame Others

Blaming others for your problems almost always leads to a negative mindset. In reality, you’re the only one with the power to change your life. So, learning to take responsibility for your actions can help you become more positive because you believe in yourself enough to change your situation.

#8 Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can help you harness positive thinking because you’re choosing to focus on the positive things in your life versus the negative.

One way you might practice gratitude is by taking a few minutes each morning to say or write down the things you’re thankful for and reflect on those things. Over time, being grateful might lead to a more positive perspective.

#9 Avoid Complaining

It can be easy to complain when things don’t go your way. However, complaining can easily lead to a negative perspective. Instead of using your energy to complain, try to use it to think positively instead. As you develop a more positive attitude, you’ll likely try to change your situation instead of complaining about it.

#10 Focus On Your Why

Fredrick Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why can endure any how.” As a business owner, focusing on why you started your business can help you to stay positive no matter the situation. Although you may not feel like you know what you’re doing or feel afraid of the future, try to focus on your goals. Focusing on your why instead of negative thoughts or circumstances can help boost your motivation and help you to stay disciplined.

Fredrick Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why can endure any how.”

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